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Renewable energies in businesses: why adopt them?

September 2, 2024

Energy transition, energy savings, compliance with the law... everything about the advantages of producing renewable energies in business!

Everything about the production of renewable energies in companies

As part of the 2019 energy and climate law, France aims to achieve a 33% share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by 2030. However, today, renewable energy only represents 19.1% of final energy consumption. In order to accelerate the development of renewable energies in the energy mix, companies have a key role to play. Find out which one in this article by Enerlis!

What green energy can be produced in business?

Tertiary companies, like industries, can produce the main types of renewable energy. 

Photovoltaic solar power in business

More and more companies are equipping themselves with solar panels in order to produce their own green electricity.

The installations can be carried out: 

  • on the roof : as part of total or partial self-consumption ;
  • on the ground unexploited land space
  • in parking lots : we are then talking about photovoltaic shade structures;
  • on water : via solar power plants floating on a natural or artificial water source.

The development of photovoltaics in businesses can be explained in particular by the multiplication of regulations for the latter:

  • the Climate and Resilience law of 2021 : requires new buildings of more than 500 m2 to install a renewable energy production system or make 30% ;
  • the law to accelerate the production of renewable energy (APER): requires companies with a parking lot of more than 1,500 m2 to install photovoltaic shades over at least 50% of the surface area of ​​their parking areas.

Need to bring your business into compliance with the law? Enerlis takes care of all photovoltaic projects with a power greater than 100 kWp and takes care of all administrative procedures:

  • study , town planning authorizations, certificate of conformity;
  • funding requests ;
  • maintenance contract etc.

Geothermal energy in business

Companies wishing to engage in the energy transition can also turn to geothermal energy . This is a technique for producing renewable energy through the recovery and exploitation of heat drawn from the subsoil.

Among the heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems that operate on geothermal energy, we find the thermofridge pump: equipment that simultaneously heat and air conditioning using calories naturally present underground.

This type of machine is particularly used in the sectors: 

  • hospital : for hot water production or air renewal;
  • hoteliers : to operate cold rooms and provide ambient heating;
  • commercial spaces : idem.

Enerlis is the preferred partner for your heat pump project: 

  • our Esope design office carries out an audit for your company;
  • Enerlis experts carry out the work necessary for the installation;
  • measure the savings made from our Energy Management System (EMS) .

Hydroelectricity for communities

Renewable energies are not the preserve of businesses. Communities can also contribute to the decarbonization of the energy mix through the development of hydroelectricity in their territory.

Hydroelectricity is the leading source of renewable electricity in France. It consists of using the driving force of rivers via dams (large hydroelectricity, with a power greater than 10 MW) or hydraulic mills (small hydroelectricity for powers less than 10 MW) to produce green electricity.

For communities, hydroelectricity only presents advantages: 

  • creation local jobs
  • generation of new sources of tax revenue ;
  • territorial attractiveness
  • maintaining balance on the electricity network;

Is the hydraulic mill in your town abandoned? Call Icauna , the subsidiary of the Enerlis group specializing in small hydroelectricity (PHE) for its renovation!

Why invest in renewable energies in business?

There are many reasons to get started with renewable energies in business.

Comply with the law by adopting green energy

As explained above, numerous regulations require companies to integrate more green energy into their activities: the 2019 climate energy law , the Climate and Resilience law, the law relating to the acceleration of the production of renewable energies. Investing in photovoltaic panels therefore allows you to comply with current regulations.

Freeing yourself from dependence on fossil fuels in business

Fossil energies such limited resources because they cannot be renewed over time. In the event of strong demand for these fuels, linked to a geopolitical , such as the war in Ukraine for example, their prices explode on the wholesale markets. Companies that continue to consume it are dependent on these fluctuations . By producing your own electricity, you control your supply and regain control over your costs.

Energy savings and renewable energies in business

HVAC systems running on renewable energy are more efficient than those running on fossil fuels. For example, according to Ademe, a heat pump produces on average four times more heat than it consumes electricity. Installing a thermofridge pump, a type of reversible heat pump, therefore makes it possible to considerably reduce energy consumption in a business.

Improve your carbon footprint

The other advantage of renewable energies lies in their ecological . Unlike fossil fuels which increase the carbon footprint of companies, green energies emit very little greenhouse gas during their production. By choosing to invest in this sector, you are taking part in a virtuous .

Enerlis helps you define your climate strategy by carrying out a carbon assessment, implementing an action plan as well as supporting change.

How to implement renewable energy production in your business?

Here are the steps you can take to produce greener energy in your business.

Have an energy and technical audit of buildings carried out

This is the first essential step for any company wishing to begin its energy transition.

The energy audit is a document carried out by an authorized body which makes it possible to know the energy consumption recommendations intended to optimize energy efficiency.

Although the services vary depending on the listener, here are the most common: 

  • inventory of the existing: equipment, their condition;
  • analysis of possible malfunctions;
  • recommendations for improvement; 
  • action plan ;
  • costing of works.

Enerlis includes a design office authorized to carry out audits. Contact us to find out more!

Implement the work

renovation work :

  • installation of photovoltaic panels ;
  • renovation of a small hydraulic power plant;
  • HVAC modernization

Here again, Enerlis supports throughout your construction site: drafting the specifications, organizing site meetings, acceptance visit of the works, etc.

Finance the purchase of equipment running on renewable energies

Certain work enabling companies to produce renewable energy can be financed by various schemes, the best known of which are: 

  • buy-in tariffs for surplus photovoltaic production;
  • energy bonuses from the Energy Saving Certificates (EEC) system.

Enerlis, in partnership with a leading financial player, also offers you a performance guarantee contract , in which it finances and carries out all of the work by being remunerated on part of the energy savings that they have generated.

Divine KANDE
