Thermofridge pump

Reduce your operating costs by installing a heat fridge pump.

Understand WHAT a heat fridge pump is

A heat pump is a heat pump that meets simultaneous heating and refrigeration needs. It therefore produces heat and cold simultaneously and tenfold from electrical consumption. For just 1 kWh of electricity consumed, it produces 2 kWh of cold and 3 kWh of heat. You thus increase the efficiency of your energy consumption.

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Our expertise in heat refrigeration pumps

Design and installation

Our design office ensures the design and sizing of your heat pump installation. Our works teams take over to ensure the installation and adjustment of your new equipment, without interruption of activity for you.

Monitoring and optimization

Thanks to our energy management software, our experts measure and validate the energy savings achieved: performance monitoring, technical assistance, adjustments and continuous improvement are essential to get the most out of your heat pump.


Enerlis offers you an innovative approach to finance your energy transition without debt or investment. As part of a performance guarantee contract (Esco type), it is in fact Enerlis which finances the work necessary for the installation of your heat fridge pump, and is remunerated on part of the energy savings generated by this new equipment.

A question about the heat fridge pump?

The advantages
of the heat fridge pump

Control your energy consumption

Control your energy consumption

Whether you need to heat or cool your buildings, air condition your server rooms or renew the air in your hospital establishment, your heat pump will recover 100% of the energy produced and provide you with savings of up to 33%. on your energy bills.

Improve the comfort of your buildings

Improve the comfort of your buildings

With a heat pump, the energy taken from the cold source is used to power the area to be air conditioned, while the energy rejected is completely reused to heat another area. By optimizing your energy consumption, you make your buildings more comfortable for their occupants.

Transform a constraint into an opportunity

Transform a constraint into an opportunity

Non-residential tertiary buildings must comply with the BACS decree by January 1, 2025 (or January 1, 2027 for buildings over 70 kW). Installing a heat pump helps to comply with these requirements, transforming a regulatory obligation into an opportunity for energy and financial savings.

A word from the expert

The heat fridge pump helps you save money

Installing a heat pump and monitoring its adjustment are major levers for improving your company's carbon footprint. This equipment helps reduce your energy costs while optimizing the use of resources. At Enerlis, we can finance this investment, by remunerating ourselves from part of the savings made.

Eric Amsellem

Eric Amsellem

Design Office Director at Enerlis


A question?

The heat refrigeration pump solution offered by Enerlis is the guarantee of controlling your energy consumption, improving the comfort of use of your buildings while making savings on your operating costs.

A heat pump is comparable to a reversible heat pump, capable of producing hot and cold but simultaneously and much more efficiently. Thus, the heat pump combines the function of both a refrigeration unit and a heating system. The energy taken from the cold source is used to refrigerate a space requiring a low temperature, while the energy rejected by the hot source is used to heat a heat network or a storage tank.

Enerlis can offer you different solutions to finance your heat pump installation. If you do not wish to invest or increase your debt, the performance guarantee contracts (of the Esco type) offered by Enerlis constitute an interesting approach: we support the investment and the carrying out of the work in return for a fee (fixed or variable). ) paid for by part of the savings made by the heat pump.