Carbon footprint
Evaluate your environmental impact.
The climatic context
The IPCC reports are clear: global warming and the phenomena it has begun to cause (melting ice, rising water levels, heatwaves, floods, etc.) are the product of human activities.
European and national directives exist to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all sectors of activity: transport, industry, buildings, agriculture, energy, waste, etc. The carbon footprint, which it whether voluntary or regulatory, is one that meets these directives.

Mandatory carbon assessment: are you subject to it?
To invite stakeholders in French territory to engage in decarbonization, the State has put in place a very precise regulatory framework:
→ Have the obligation to carry out a carbon assessment every 4 years (for companies) or every 3 years (public actors), then publish this carbon assessment on the ADEME website.
Our support for the Carbon Balance Sheet
Act4Transition is the climate strategy consulting firm of the Enerlis group. Created in 2022, Act4Transition supports public and private actors in carrying out their Carbon Assessment in 4 phases:
Identification of activity data
Act4Transition will contact you and organize a first kick-off meeting with all the key stakeholders in the collection of data necessary for the carbon footprint. The definition of the scope is one of the key points for the framing of the mission, it makes it possible to clearly define the scope of the activity which will be taken into account in the balance sheet.
Support for data collection
The data collection phase is crucial for carrying out the mission: it lasts several weeks and requires numerous contacts. Act4Transition experts are on hand throughout the collection to guide you in the event of missing data.
Emissions calculation
When the end of the collection is validated, Act4Transition is responsible for carrying out the carbon impact calculations associated with the data collected. To carry out these calculations we use an internal tool, inspired by the ADEME tool, which allows emissions to be distributed according to classifications tailored to your activity, in order to optimize the presentation and visualization of the results on a case-by-case basis. case.
Restitution meeting
Once all the carbon analyzes have been completed, Act4Transition presents you with a restitution report as well as a summary report in regulatory format.
Thanks to the results of the carbon footprint, several decarbonization scenarios accompanied by reduction objectives are proposed. These depend on the results of the assessment and can be defined according to numerous reference methods (SBTi, SNBC, etc.) and over different scopes.
A question about the carbon footprint?
Why carry out your Carbon Assessment?
Certain players are subject to the carbon footprint obligation: companies with more than 500 employees, communities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and public establishments with more than 250 agents. It must be updated every 4 years for companies and every 3 years for public entities.
The Energy Transition for Green Growth law of 2015 provides for an increase in the carbon tax (from €44.6 per tonne today to €100 in 2030). Knowing your carbon footprint today means anticipating tomorrow's financial sanctions and working to reduce them.
Communicating about your carbon footprint highlights the organization's commitment to the low-carbon transition. By committing to a responsible approach, you meet the requirements of customers or citizens who are ever more concerned about their environmental impact.
A word from the expert
Commit to a low-carbon and responsible future
Adrien BRUN
Senior consultant in climate strategy at A4T
A question?
Scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the carbon footprint represent the different categories of greenhouse gas emissions associated with an organization's activities.
Scope 1 includes direct emissions (combustion of fuels on site, use of refrigerant, etc.), scope 2 brings together all indirect emissions linked to energy (electricity consumption) and finally, scope 3 represents other emissions indirect (supply chain, travel, etc.).
The CSRD is the new European regulation which defines the information standards to be published by private companies in terms of sustainability. It will replace the old regulation (Non Financial Reporting Directive or NFRD) and replaces the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (DPEF) obligation. It has been transposed into French law since January 1, 2024 and applies to all private companies which satisfy the following two criteria: achieve a turnover of more than 50 million euros and employ more than 500 employees.
Carrying out a Carbon Assessment allows you to anticipate the implementation of extra-financial reporting, to quantify the impact of your activity on the climate, and to engage your stakeholders in the implementation of a CSR strategy.
To find out more, contact our climate strategy consultants.
The Association for the Low Carbon Transition is a French organization which promotes and facilitates the implementation of the carbon footprint within companies, communities and organizations.
Our consulting firm is listed as a service provider for carrying out the Carbon assessment.