With the continued rise in energy prices, businesses and communities are looking for solutions to reduce their energy bills. Energy brokerage is one: it helps them choose the most competitive electricity or gas offers. Enerlis goes even further by providing project management assistance which intervenes throughout the value chain: choice of energy contracts, service providers, financing, etc.
What is energy brokerage?
Energy brokerage is carried out by an energy broker or project management assistant (AMO). It involves negotiating the best electricity or natural gas contracts for businesses, communities or even collective buildings. The broker is a business provider : he is therefore paid on commission. Here are its main missions.
Select the most competitive energy contracts
The energy market is complex . Since its opening to competition in 2007 , many energy suppliers have appeared. They now offer varied offers, with freely set prices.
Thanks to energy brokerage, a sector expert selects the electricity or gas contract Indeed, the energy broker has knowledge of the market and negotiates with the best suppliers according to precise specifications. Furthermore, it closely monitors developments tax optimization solutions (taxes, transport, supply).
Benefit from personalized support from experts
In addition to his professional skills, the energy broker supports on a daily and personalized basis in achieving your energy efficiency objectives. It follows news in order to seize opportunities that arise or to bring you into compliance with the law.
Above all, energy brokerage goes hand in hand with monitoring the building's energy consumption: in the event of detection of excess energy consumption using software , the AMO can recommend that you take out another energy contract. more suitable energy. Enerlis has its own Energy Management System (EMS) to monitor the energy consumption of your building in real time.
Invest in the most suitable energy efficiency solutions
in-depth support . Thus Enerlis, as a global operator of the energy transition, studies the energy efficiency solution(s) most suited to your activities.
Depending on the project and its feasibility, our AMO can recommend that you install photovoltaic panels to reduce your electricity bills and couple them with charging stations in order to optimize costs. Discover our solar !
Comply with the law
According to the Tertiary Decree resulting from the Élan law, existing buildings for tertiary use of more than 1000 square meters are required to gradually reduce their final energy consumption. By working with an energy broker specializing in energy optimization, those obliged to make energy savings which allow them to comply with the law.
How does an energy brokerage service work?
Energy brokerage services vary from company to company. However, here are some common services.
Energy audit
The energy broker usually starts by collecting data and analyzing it. This may include current energy bills data related to energy consumption.
Co-construction of the purchasing strategy
Armed with this information, the AMO is then able to identify and understand the needs of its client in order to design a strategy in line with its budget, its projects, or the risks associated with it.
Competition between suppliers
Once the strategy has been validated by the client, the broker can proceed to a call for tenders from its preferred partners and suppliers. He uses his negotiation skills to find the cheapest contract possible. Following careful analysis of the offers, he submits the best quotes to the client for signature.
Monitoring and continuous optimization of purchasing processes
Purchasing energy does not stop there: it is an ongoing process. After having contracted an electricity or gas offer, the AMO must transfer contracts , deploy new offers, without forgetting monitoring of the market to stay on the lookout for new opportunities.
How to choose your energy broker?
Here are the main criteria to consider when calling on an energy broker.
Business expertise
Energy brokerage requires legal linked to the contractualization of offers. Furthermore, experience in the energy sector is a good indicator. Finally, the AMO has the capacity to manage a project from start to finish.
Quality suppliers
AMO has a portfolio of quality energy suppliers. It is thanks to these rigorous specifications that it guarantees companies the reduction of their energy bills. Finally, the selected service providers must demonstrate transparency and integrity.
360 degree support
Most energy brokerage solutions focus on optimizing energy contracts. At Enerlis, we adopt a transversal to act on all expense items. Furthermore, to guarantee convincing results, we offer a performance guarantee contract (CPE). If the objectives are not achieved, you are compensated up to the commitment made when signing the contract.
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