“Enerlis’ first back-to-school university, social landlords on the front line of the energy transition”, the day of webinars organized by Enerlis was held on September 22, 2020.
Enerlis mobilized its network and its teams around an event of reflection and debate on the current news, namely economic recovery and the energy transition. In total, 22 speakers exchanged and gave their point of view around 4 major themes: contractualization, financing, renewable energies and the latest innovations in the services of social landlords.
Mobilize funding and updates on the latest Aid & Subsidies
This webinar is being held precisely when we are starting to have a clearer vision of the France recovery plan: €7.5 billion for the energy renovation of buildings including €500 million for social landlords and €2 billion for private housing via Ma Prime Rénov , which is expanding and opening up to landlords.
A lot of funding is available to donors. They know a lot of it. Enerlis helps them to mobilize those who require a more extensive preparation of files, and also takes stock of the CEE which is the most effective tool for boosting the energy renovation of buildings.
Patrick Amico , deputy mayor in Marseille, introduced this webinar and explains that the administrative burden of certain aid and calls for projects can be discouraging: “Energy management and the fight against thermal sieves are inseparable from housing policy . We must both mobilize public funding in favor of municipal parks and offices, and involve private owners, lessors or occupants. In Marseille, we decided to tackle this problem head on. With ANAH, the Government wants to give us guarantees. But the preparation of files is complex and the waiting times so long that it is discouraging.” He also urges social landlords to think more “globally” and discusses the approaches invented with Enerlis in design-production which have enabled more efficient renovations.
Dominique Gros , former mayor of Metz and vice-president of Metz Métropole, shares his experience and wishes to emphasize the fact that whatever the financing methods, we must “respect 2 logics: favor the circular economy in production and saving energy in consumption. Heating networks must be developed in France. There is not enough” to achieve carbon neutrality which dictates our actions. He also draws attention to the need to train elected officials.
Michel Derdevet , in his capacity as president of Confrontations Europe, vice-president of the Maison de l'Europe in Paris and former member of the management board of Enedis, recalls that “We are in a paradox. Buildings represent 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. We are seeing real obsolescence in Europe, with millions of people in energy poverty. And yet, we cannot make this file popular. In France, we pile up the layers and the devices, with the final impression of being in an expert debate. We must reach the general public, communicate better and rationalize aid. There is a need for real political support.”
Like Patricia Ho Hune, Expert in the search for public funding and subsidies at Enerlis, and Carine Puyol, mission manager, European affairs at USH, Michel Derdevet encourages all actors in this transition to rely on European funds , financing and subsidies from the European recovery plan which represent €1,800 billion for countries, regions, territories, social landlords, professional sectors.
Patricia Ho Hune and Carine Puyol together provide an overview of the different measures of this recovery plan and the European Green Deal:
- the actions of the ERDF,
- the Just Transition Fund (JTF),
- HorizonEurope 2021,
- RéactEU 2021-2023, Cohesion policy 2021-2027,
- InvestEU,
- the RRF: Recovery and Resilience Facility,
- The H2020 program,
- The European LIFE program
After talking about European funds, the territorial bank and existing systems, Juliette Sens , director of operations at Loris.enr, takes stock of the concrete and immediate financing system that is the CEE.
She discusses the expectations for the next period, with improvements which could be x3 or x4, if the government follows the recommendations of the citizens' climate convention, and the path towards the dematerialization of files.
Juliette reminds us that these are the support measures that are put in place by the government to accelerate energy renovations. They will be ever wider, in terms of targeted sectors or operations. It can be difficult to navigate, hence the interest in contacting a specialized player like Loris.Enr, signatory of all the helping charters in force.
Finally, Grégory Berkovicz responds to all the interventions by summarizing as follows:
- For him, there is more of a problem of subsidies than of financing.
- To achieve energy efficiency, we must find a viable economic model.
- You have to invest and profitability is often found over long periods and through asset enhancement.
He ends with a focus which recalls the subjects mentioned at the previous workshop: the Energy Performance Contract, which is a tool in his sense of globalization, which can call on all the financing mentioned, and in which he recalls that it would be important to plan for better user awareness.
With nearly 300 participants, the webinar on Tuesday September 22, 2020 was a real success due to its usefulness, thanks to the quality of the speakers and the discussions with all the elected officials, managers and experts involved.
Once again a big thank you to them for their interventions.
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