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Launch of ROUNDED salary within the Enerlis Group

December 7, 2023

On the occasion of Giving Tuesday, the world day of generosity which fell this year on Tuesday November 28, Enerlis is committed to its employees by setting up ROUNDING of salary.

Small streams of donations make big rivers of action! Enerlis is strengthening its solidarity commitment by offering its employees, on a voluntary basis, the opportunity to get involved with an association of their choice thanks to the ROUNDUP on salary action.

In order to bring together as many people as possible around the project, employees were able to elect their three favorite associations in advance: 1001fontaines , the Tara Foundation and Cœur de forêt , from a panel of proposals responding to Enerlis' values,

Their donation will be entirely donated to one of these three associations (donation can be modified or canceled at any time). To amplify the impact of the mobilization of its employees, Enerlis is committed to matching each donation.

ROUNDING of salary, participatory donation

ROUNDING on salary is an innovative system facilitating access to donations, developed by the approved solidarity company microDON. The process is simple: each month, employees have the possibility of donating a rounded or fixed amount from their pay slip to a solidarity association of their choice.

Solidarity, a long-standing story for Enerlis

Committed since its beginnings, Enerlis launched its endowment fund, Enerlis Solidarité, at the end of 2020 in order to direct the majority of its donations around three themes: energy progress, the integration of young people into the professions of tomorrow and medical research.

The launch of ROUNDED salary is a practice that responds to Enerlis' humanist values ​​and makes corporate sponsorship collaborative, simple and accessible.

Giving Tuesday, a day to celebrate generosity

Appearing in the United States in 2012, Giving Tuesday is celebrated in response to Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. Giving Tuesday has become a global movement present in more than 150 countries, which promotes and supports giving and philanthropy.

Organized in France since 2018, Giving Tuesday brings together more than 200 organizations across the country and highlights the needs of the general interest sector. Enerlis is joining the movement this year by launching ROUNDUP on salary: a way to raise awareness and mobilize employees around donating. Overall, individual donations are significantly more important than institutional donations (by foundations) or patronage (companies). However, the generosity sector is witnessing changing trends driven by new generations, who favor digital collection in particular. ROUNDING on salary, through its format, allows companies to offer their employees channels of generosity that meet these new expectations.


Learn more about global developments in giving

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Divine KANDE
