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June 15, 2023

Enerlis commits to Acting for the Climate

The Enerlis Group has decided to provide financial support to the Agir pour le Climat association for the next three years. A partnership agreement was signed today by Aurélie Gaudillère, President and co-founder of Enerlis, and Jean-Louis Bal, President of Agir pour le Climat, in the presence of Jean Jouzel, Honorary President and co- founder of the association.


At the origin of the creation of Agir pour le Climat, a question: if we were able to release considerable funds to save the banking system during the subprime crisis, why not do the same in the face of the climate crisis ?
It is on this idea that Agir pour le Climat was built, launched in 2014 by climatologist Jean Jouzel and MEP Pierre Larrouturou. The association has since worked to propose concrete solutions to finance the ecological and inclusive transition in Europe , positioning itself as a facilitator between the different actors in this transition: public authorities, economic actors, local authorities and citizens.


The Act for Climate proposal is based on a shared vision of dealing with the climate challenge: the European Finance-Climate Pact which aims to finance the ecological transition at the European and national level as well as in Africa and throughout the Mediterranean region. .
Concretely, the Finance-Climate Pact is made up of two main components:

  • The European Climate and Biodiversity Bank (BECB) intended to deliver loans at preferential rates. This idea, supported by Agir pour le Climat since its creation, was finally endorsed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, with the transformation of the European Investment Bank into the Climate Bank .
  • The European Climate and Biodiversity Fund (ECBF), dedicated to injecting public money.

The Finance-Climate Pact, via these two components, aims above all to irrigate the private sphere, in order to accelerate the implementation of the transition in the sectors most concerned, from housing to transport including the production of energy, agriculture or industry.


Faced with the climate emergency, Agir pour le Climat advocates for the establishment of a new economic and social model, sustainable from an environmental point of view.

Alongside the Finance-Climate Pact, Agir pour le Climat is working in parallel on the advancement of specific projects, such as the Unlock campaign . Bringing together around ten partners (The Shift Project, Institut Rousseau, doremi, négaWatt association etc.), the Unlock campaign aims to accelerate the energy and sustainable renovation of housing by encouraging banks to review their financial aid and by making renovation affordable and affordable. accessible to everyone.

This partnership comes at a time when the government is showing the ambition to greatly amplify comprehensive and efficient energy renovations which will make it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the purchasing power of populations, particularly the most precarious. The two partners will share their know-how so that national ambitions can be realized,” declared Jean-Louis Bal, president of Agir pour le Climat and former president of the Renewable Energies Union (SER) , during the signing of the agreement. .

A global operator of the energy transition, Enerlis shares the vision of Agir pour le Climat and wishes in particular to provide its support to the association's projects dedicated to the energy and sustainable renovation of housing.

“We are very happy to be able to provide our financial support to the projects developed by Agir pour le Climat, whose vision and ambition we share. Our commitment for three years alongside them will make it possible to realize various projects in favor of a just and sustainable ecological transition,” declared Aurélie Gaudillère, President and co-founder of Enerlis .

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