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Enerlis present at the ENERGAIA Forum

November 29, 2022

Enerlis, global operator of the energy transition, will be present at the ENERGAIA renewable energy forum in Montpellier, on December 7 and 8, 2022 at Stand G18 Hall B1.

The European Commission is proposing to increase the major objective for 2030 in terms of renewable energies from 40% to 45% (19.3% in 2021). Raising this overall ambition will create a framework for other initiatives, including:

  • A specific EU solar energy strategy aimed at doubling solar PV capacity by 2025 and installing 600 GW of production capacity by 2030.
  • A solar roof initiative with a progressive legal obligation to install solar panels on new public, commercial and residential buildings.

The Enerlis team will be mobilized during the 2 days of the show to respond to the needs and energy renovation projects of players in the real estate industry .
Our Solar Business Unit will be able to offer environmental solutions adapted to territories, cities and industries. Energaia is the benchmark event for renewable energies in France and is a privileged moment to discuss for 3 days on the issues linked to the energy transition.

We will be happy to meet you and talk with you during this highlight!

To register, go here to take your free invitation:

