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July 8, 2021

Enerlis alongside Edgar Morin for its centenary

Enerlis, through its Enerlis Solidarité endowment fund, was one of the first donors to the Edgar Morin foundation, which has just been created. This foundation aims to promote “knowledge and thinking capable of confronting the complexities of reality”. It sets transmission as a priority for:

  • make known the thoughts and work of Edgar Morin on the developments and transformations of our century
  • teach a method capable of responding to the problems posed by increasing complexities and uncertainties
  • helping with decision-making and strategy in an increasingly interdependent and globalized world
  • contribute to the reform of knowledge, inseparable from a reform of education.



Thierry Martin and Aurélie Gaudillère, founding partners of Enerlis, were present on July 8 at the Elysée Palace for the celebration of the centenary of the philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin. The celebration of Edgar Morin's centenary took place over 3 days. On July 2, the intellectual and academic work of Edgar Morin as well as his international influence were celebrated at UNESCO. On July 8, an event around the figure of the resistance, alongside the President of the French Republic, was organized at the Élysée. Finally, on July 9, a ceremony took place around his foundation (the Edgar Morin Foundation) and the transmission of his work, with a sequence with Anne Hidalgo at Paris City Hall.